"Call the Police", the BBC journalist cried, "that beardy DJ pinched my bum, thirty years ago". The Police were called and an investigation began. But nobody died.
"Call the Police" the has been film star said, "my reputation has been slandered on Twitter". The Police were duly called and an investigation began. But nobody died.
"Call the Police", the fan said, "that long dead blond DJ, touched me up in his dressing room, twenty years ago, when I sat on his knee, I want redress (from the BBC)". The Governor and the Police were called and an investigation began. But nobody died.
Heads rolled, a Newspaper closed; journalists were arrested;some were jailed; vast sums were paid in damages to rich (and a few poor) people but nobody died. Celebrities, famous Journalists, Politicians and pundits gave evidence to learned people shorn of their wigs. Even Policemen and women were deprived of their power and warrants. But nobody died.
Many millions of the peoples money, was spent in tedious and long winded Commissions that helped to fund the retirement of M'lud's. But nobody died.
135 Journalists lost their jobs; 113 people were arrested; 4 officials were jailed. But nobody died.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, in Stafford, up to 1200 hundred people died. In the City, Bankers continued to get their bonus, despite the 'bailout' from the real people in the country. The Francis report was published and nobody got fired. Nobody got redress. Nobody was arrested. Nobody was convicted. What does this say about Society, Journalism, Doctors, Nurses, and Politics, ?
We will never know how many died. Discuss.